Completed Projects Completed Projects

Ankara-Niğde Highway Construction Kırşehir Connection Road and Kızılırmak Viaduct Construction Work

  • Completed Projects
  • Roads
Project : Ankara-Niğde Highway / Construction Works of Kırşehir Connection Road and Kızılırmak Viaduct
Employer : ERG Construction Trade and Industry Co. Inc..
Date of Start : 28.09.2018
Date of Finish : 28.12.2020
Path Length : 34 KM
Road Type : 2x2
Project Value TL : 168,490,145 TL
Project Value USD : 22,604,317 USD
Ankara-Niğde Highway Construction Kırşehir Connection Road and Kızılırmak Viaduct Construction Work

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